Reconstruction of the
Hove Ticket Office

First signs that anything was going on was the appearence in Brockham Station of this pile of matchwood and splinters (and, no doubt, a few woodworm to boot!!).

Closer inspection revealed some large panels - the walls - and the original lathe and plaster inner walls.

The brick foundations soon appeared .....

..... onto which the floor was soon being laid.

Next, the scaffolding went up ready for the construction of the building itself.

The ticket office soon reached an identifiable form although much remained to be done.

A view of the interior at about the same time revealed that a lot remained to be done here as well.

The chimneys transformed the look of the building - why others who were offered the office didn't want these fine architectural features is puzzling to say the least. Doors and windows kept the weather out!

The interior was soon looking a bit better, to say the least - 19th Century recipes for the plaster were used where possible. The cast iron fireplaces, although not the originals, gave the interior an air of authenticity.

Another view of the exterior before final finishing.

Not far to go now - the recently arrived Planet Y-type is seen here following a test run with the Groudle Glen coaches.

John Beard applies an expert paint-brush to the new fence and the building was soon ready .....

..... for the official opening on Tuesday 25 June.

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© Gerry Cork and Amberley Working Museum - September 2006